Building a Brighter Wales

21st October 2014

Impact Banner

Our European Social Fund and Welsh Government funded Agile Nation project is helping to build a brighter Wales.

As the project comes to the end of its planned lifecycle in March 2015 we want to share with you all the achievements, and where better to start that at the very top of Wales.

To help illustrate this spirit of achievement, not only of the project itself but also that of all the participants, we dared to be creative and in our new video you’ll see how Agile Nation has helped Wales reach new heights.

This marks the start of a season of activity where we’ll be sharing the project journey and success stories with you.

There is a lot to share and celebrate over the coming months, and to make sure you don’t miss out on these stories remember to become a friend of Chwarae Teg.


Play a part in helping women prosper and achieve
  • Help us influence government, industry and academia
  • Help us keep gender on the agenda
  • Have your views taken into account

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Did you Know?

"Companies with 30% women in senior positions are more likely to have a culture where all women thrive"

- London Business School