Welsh Government has set out a clear ambition for Wales to become a world leader for gender equality, and the Gender Equality Review completed in 2019 outlines how this vision can be made a reality through changing not just what we do, but also how we do it.
But we cannot achieve these ambitions without being honest about how we are currently performing as a nation. How equal really is Wales? How are we progressing towards becoming a world leader for gender equality?
State of the Nation seeks to answer these questions, outlining how Wales is performing in relation to key indicators on gender equality. These indicators are grouped under three main themes, which are the key strategic focus for Chwarae Teg’s work:
- Women in the Economy: building a Wales where women achieve and prosper across all sectors and at all levels of the economy
- Women Represented: building a Wales where women are visible and influential across all sectors of the economy, society and in public life
- Women at Risk: building a Wales where women are empowered to achieve their potential, regardless of their background, social status or geographic location
The indicators used in the report have been selected as robust and regularly updated data sources, to provide a broad, top-line assessment of gender equality in Wales. We hope that the data within our State of the Nation briefings can provide an important contribution to discussions about equality in Wales. However we are aware there are limitations, and it is crucial that the voices of women, particularly diverse women, are heard and used alongside this data to inform decision making.
Each year we will revisit these key indicators at our in our State of the Nation reports to assess our progress towards a fairer Wales where women can achieve and prosper.