Our Missions

To deliver our vision for “A Wales where women achieve and prosper” we have developed three missions that help us target our work.

Mission 1

Mission 1
This mission is delivered through the work we undertake directly with women. Since inception, Chwarae Teg has developed a reputation for researching, designing and delivering projects that directly work with women to support and enhance their opportunities to progress at work.

Currently we are delivering our £12.5m European Social Fund and Welsh Government funded Agile Nation project. This includes our Ascent Programme that has supported over 2,700 women in helping them to increase their confidence, progress into new roles and gain promotions. This in-depth programme includes studying for an Institute of Leadership and Management Level 2 or 3 qualification, mentoring, further study modules and events.

Here you can find out more about our Agile Nation project



Mission 2

Mission 2

Many of the barriers women face in the progression of their careers are removed when employers successfully adopt a cutting edge approach to the way their organisations work. Of course male employees benefit too, as do employers so this really is a case where everyone’s a winner.

In this mission we directly support employers to transform workplace cultures from being based on the old status and hierarchy developed through the industrial era to ones that are more appropriate for the 21st century with people trusted, valued and supported to contribute as much as possible to the success of the organisation.

By encouraging level structures, based on adult to adult relationships, people and organisations flourish as a genuine sense of common purpose, ambition and drive is brought to life.

When combined with working practices that reflect the complexity of modern day life and allow people to work at times, locations and in environments that best support their ability and circumstances, employers create modern workplaces that enable everyone to give of their best.

We’ll be detailing our work around this mission during 2014, however if your organisation is ready to embrace modern working contact us to find out how our bespoke service could help you. [email protected]

Mission 3

Mission 3

We enjoy proactive relations with a significant number of decision makers and influencers from the word of politics, academia, the third sector and industry.

These relationships are of real value as they allow us to share our research and knowledge surrounding the issues that affect women both presently and in the future.

Our team provides specialist gender advice and consultation responses to the Welsh Government along with working with the National Assembly for Wales in the development of policy. We take part in the newly formed Cross Party Group on Women, and in addition to attending key conferences we organise events tackling issues that affect women.

To support this mission we are strengthening our policy and research capacity to help ensure that in today’s rapidly changing landscape we can provide more support, advice and guidance.

For the latest information about our policy work:

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  • Help us influence government, industry and academia
  • Help us keep gender on the agenda
  • Have your views taken into account

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