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Fair Play Employer

Ymddiriedolaeth Hamdden Torfaen

Ymddiriedolaeth Hamdden Torfaen has achieved the Silver FairPlay Employer level for gender equality.
Cerys Furlong
Chief Executive

The Trust was formed in July 2013 to manage and develop the Torfaen County Borough Council Leisure facilities which include swimming pools, sports halls and centres of excellence for both the development of sport amongst professionals and members of the public. We are proud to host a diverse range of activities within our venues which include health and fitness, sport and key educational programmes. Activities and programmes such as these have local, regional and national significance. In addition to providing multi-purpose centres, the Trust also has staff dedicated to providing specialist projects relating to healthy lifestyles.

We aim to get more local people active and we carefully balance our social ethos and commercial aspirations to maintain, invest and develop a wide range of quality sport and leisure services for our customers.

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