CBI vice-chair keen to see more women in boardrooms

A woman at the forefront of the challenge to make the Welsh manufacturing industry sustainable - both financially and environmentally - is the new vice-chair of CBI Wales. Margaret Matthews, Managing Director of Barry-based Dow Corning, takes up the position this month.

The business organisation is drafting its manifesto for the National Assembly elections in May, highlighting the burdens of energy costs and strained transport system. Ms Matthews is also keen to encourage more women to break into the board room. Business figures, she believes can supply the example which will inspire young people into enterprise. It's about having some of those role models out there and making sure the career guidance young women get is good.

Source: "CBI vice-chair keen to see more women in boardrooms", Westen Mail, Thursday 4th January 2007

Last Updated: 05/01/2007 14:33:37 By Sian Baird Murray

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