Women, Care and Career Progression – Flexibility at the Top.
The impact of caring duties on the under-representation of women in senior and management positions, and the links with flexible working policies.
This research will look at the impact of care on women’s career progression and the employment policies and practices that exist in senior management roles in a range of public, private and voluntary sector organisations in Wales. The research will assess the compatibility of senior and management level jobs for women who have flexible working requirements in order to manage their childcare and dependent care responsibilities. Employment policy and the culture of the organisation will be looked at in order to understand the issues and problems associated with combining care and senior roles. The research will also refine the results according to sector to assess any differences between traditionally ‘male’ or ‘female’ associated sectors.
If you have any queries or want to discuss any of these issues further, please contact Sarah Bell on 01269 845155 or alternatively, email [email protected]
Last Updated: 03/05/2007 15:31:50 By Sian Baird Murray