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Burden of student debt lasts longer for female graduates

Marcella Maxwell, Chief Executive of Chwarae Teg, says "This is another consequence of the continuing disparity in earnings between men and women and means that in effect a generation of women are being kept in debt for longer."
Full story here [pdf]

Better Balance Better Business 2007 Conference Report

Chwarae Teg’s groundbreaking conference brought together over 100 delegates representing the private, public and voluntary sectors, to listen and debate on key work life balance and flexible working issues and their impacts for workforces now and in the future.

Ready Set Go Project

Chwarae Teg recently managed the Ready SET Go project to encourage more women to consider training and work opportunities in non-traditional sectors.
Ready Set Go Newsletter [pdf]

Chwarae Teg sponsor Welsh Woman of the Year 2007
Chwarae Teg are delighted to sponsor the Most Effective Returner to the Workplace category for the second year running. The three finalists in this category have been announced, they are Louise Barnes, Julie Foley and Sharon Green.

Chwarae Teg celebrates conference success
Keynote speaker, UK business champion, Sir Digby Jones addresses delegates at the Better Balance Better Business Conference on 29th March 2007, promoting flexible working. Leading organisations come together in this ground breaking National Conference to promote a change in the pattern of people's work across the economy. More on the Conference.

Thousands able to adopt smarter working
There are almost 4,000 more employees across North Wales with access to smarter working methods than five years ago.

Cardiff Council adopts smarter working to achieve efficiencies [pdf]

Working in partnership with Chwarae Teg on their Work Life Balance in Wales initiative, the Council’s Work Life Balance (WLB) Strategy will be encouraging employees and managers to adopt more flexible ways of working to help them achieve a better Work Life Balance.

"Public Appointments with the Welsh Assembly Government"

The Welsh Assembly Government makes appointments to Assembly Government Sponsored bodies, Welsh NHS Executive bodies and other public bodies. Applications for these appointments are open to all and are particularly welcomed from under represented groups, including women.
More information on public appointments and details of the application process

"Chwarae Teg team takes part in Race for Life"
Several members of staff from Chwarae Teg took part in the Race for Life, 27th June, in Cardiff. We have so far raised over £200, including gift aid, for Cancer Research Uk, thank you to all those who have sponsored us.

"Equality Manifesto"

The first ever Equality Manifesto for Wales will be launched today, in advance of the National Assembly election in May.......more

"Gender Balance"

Swansea University has resolved to make sure more women get to top posts at the seaside campus.......more

"Work Life Balance"

Researchers at the University of Sheffield have found that trains are increasingly being used as mobile offices, freeing up more of employees' time and improving work-life balance.........more

"Barriers to women at work"

Women still face discrimination at work despite their best efforts to shatter the 'glass ceiling' that holds them back, experts say.........more

"Cameron will reward firms that are green"

David Cameron will set out plans to reward large companies to protect the environment and champion flexible working.

The Tory leader will call for major employers to be encouraged to pursue 'socially responsible' policies. Those that adopt 'green' practices, promote family-friendly hours and have a good record on health and safety could face fewer inspections and less paperwork under a Tory government.

Source: "Cameron will reward firms that are green", The Independant online, Monday 15th January 2007,

"Fines for minimum wage non payers"

Employers who refuse to pay the minimum wage could face a £200 fine for every worker they had underpaid, Trade and Industry Secretary Alistair Darling announced today. For the full story please click here

"Working 8 to 6...with time out for a chat"

The traditional nine-to-five working day is a thing of the past, according to a new survey that shows most office workers are spending an extra hour a day at their desks.............more

"Six million workers set to benefit from extra holiday entitlement"

Jim Fitzpatrick, Employment Minister, today announced the Governments's proposals to increase workers' holiday entitlement from 20 days per year to 28..........more

"Women still missing out on fair share of top jobs"

More than 30 years after the Sex Discrimination Act was introduced, women in Wales are still missing out on the top jobs. Marcella Maxwell, Chief Executive of Chwarae Teg, said..............more

"CBI vice-chair keen to see more women in boardrooms"

A woman at the forefront of the challenge to make the Welsh manufacturing idustry sustainable both financially and environmentally is the new vice-chair fo CBI Wales...............more

"Make Workplaces More Diverse"

Firms should be doing more to attract women, disabled, ethinic and older workers to make workplaces more divese, according to a report out today........more

"Welsh work seven unpaid hours a week"

Welsh workers are clocking up some seven hours and six minutes of unpaid overtime every week.........more

Last Updated: 08/04/2008 11:13:40 By Sian Baird Murray

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