Ready SET Go, an exciting project to encourage more women into non-traditional training and employment. It is important that women have the opportunity to fulfil their potential based on their talents and interests rather than their gender and should be offered the same opportunities to pursue whatever career they chose.
Working with partners the project aimed to encourage more women into non-traditional training and work opportunities by:
The Ready SET Go project finished at the end of March 2007, but Chwarae Teg will continue to promote and encourage women to consider opportunities in non-traditional sectors.
The project worked with 313 women, 47 employers and 110 educators.
Over 30 taster training sessions have been run for women, which have included:
At the end of the project the women who had participated on the taster courses were tracked and from the 70 completed forms that were returned, over 45% had gone onto further training courses and 15% into employment.
For further infomation on the Ready SET Go project and to read some case studies of those involved on the courses please click on the link below.
Ready SET Go newsletter [pdf]Case Study - Angela carves a new career in carpentry [pdf]Case Study - Groundbreaking course helps Swansea mum tune into new career [pdf]
If you are exploring the possibility of a change in career or looking for opportunities for training some other useful websites
This project was part funded by:
Last Updated: 26/09/2007 11:29:12 By Sian Baird Murray