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Who are we?

Chwarae teg was established in 1992 to support, develop and expand the role of women in the Welsh economy. Initially set up by a consortium of public sector agencies Chwarae Teg is now a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.

The organisation believes that the Welsh economy will only reach its full potential when every individual is given an equal opportunity to contribute. Women, although playing a greater role than ever before, are often confronted with barriers in education, employment and enterprise that stop many from developing their skills and careers.

Chwarae Teg draws funds from the Welsh Assembly Government, Europe, the Welsh Development Agency and the National Council - ELWa to support projects designed to help women overcome the barriers and raise the profile of these issues. Membership and consultancy fees provide further income.


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Business Benefits of Childcare Provision

New Resource launched to promote the Business Benefits of Childcare Provision.

Date: 01/11/2003

Click here for more details

Conference Report 2003

Chwarae Teg publishes Conference Report 2003 Women and Social Exclusion

Date: 16/02/2004

Click here for more details

What's new

New Project - Ready SET Go...
Encouraging more women into non-traditional training and employment.
Working with partners, employers, educators and advisers to help reduce gender stereotyping.
For further information contact Ready SET Go team on 01267 232434

Click here for more details

What's new

The Wales Gender Budget group are launching a new publication designed to remove the stigma surrounding gender budgeting.

Click here for more details

What's new

Business Start-up Support Look at our Events Calendar to find out about our training courses and events. Phone for free on 0800 052 2255 to talk to you local team.

What's new

CYTGORD Project - As an organisation we aim to identify, quantify and help address the pay gap issue in Wales and to share models of good practice throughout Wales, the UK and Europe. For further information contact 01248 670111

Click here for more details

What's new

Chwarae Teg is the first Welsh Business Support provider to achieve the coveted Prowess Flagship Award

Click here for more details

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