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Family Care

In promoting the economic development of women in Welsh life much of Chwarae Teg’s work focuses on removing the barriers that prevent women from maximising their career potential.

One of the most significant of these barriers is the fact that women still make up the majority of unpaid carers of children and adult dependants. This means that unless adequate, affordable and good quality care provision is available then women will continue to find it difficult to enter into and retain employment. Once in employment it is also important that employers practice flexible working and consider caring issues to enable those people to remain happy in their jobs and to progress in their chosen career.

We have recently undertaken a major piece of research on the economic impact of care in Wales. A copy of the executive summary of this research is available by clicking the link below.

Making the Case for Care (March 2003)
To download the Executive Summary of the research, please click here


Chwarae Teg has undertaken much research into the provision of childcare in Wales, and has produced numerous publications aimed at employers, employees and people wishing to start up childcare businesses. Our most recent publications can be downloaded by clicking the links below or by contacting our national office. We have also been involved with childcare pilot projects, and work closely with the local childcare partnerships to push the forward the childcare agenda in Wales.

Adult/Dependent Care

Chwarae Teg has worked with partner organisations to identify and explore issues relating to the barriers which prevent carers of adults or elder dependants from entering into employment. The publication Better Care Better Business highlights some of these issues and looks at ways that employers can improve their workplace policies for carers. We are also involved with pilot initiatives that support carers in employment.

Carers of children with disabilities

Included in the research document Making the Case for Care (March 2003), Chwarae Teg recognised that the issues for non-working and working carers of disabled children could often be more acute and needed particular consideration. We will be working with employers and partner organisations to explore these issues and develop ideas for addressing barriers to employment.

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Business Benefits of Childcare Provision

New Resource launched to promote the Business Benefits of Childcare Provision.

Date: 01/11/2003

Click here for more details

Conference Report 2003

Chwarae Teg publishes Conference Report 2003 Women and Social Exclusion

Date: 16/02/2004

Click here for more details

What's new

New Project - Ready SET Go...
Encouraging more women into non-traditional training and employment.
Working with partners, employers, educators and advisers to help reduce gender stereotyping.
For further information contact Ready SET Go team on 01267 232434

Click here for more details

What's new

The Wales Gender Budget group are launching a new publication designed to remove the stigma surrounding gender budgeting.

Click here for more details

What's new

Business Start-up Support Look at our Events Calendar to find out about our training courses and events. Phone for free on 0800 052 2255 to talk to you local team.

What's new

CYTGORD Project - As an organisation we aim to identify, quantify and help address the pay gap issue in Wales and to share models of good practice throughout Wales, the UK and Europe. For further information contact 01248 670111

Click here for more details

What's new

Chwarae Teg is the first Welsh Business Support provider to achieve the coveted Prowess Flagship Award

Click here for more details

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