Education and Skills
Education and skills development offers a great
opportunity for change in Wales. By giving excluded women the
opportunity to learn new skills, take on different roles and
move up the career ladder a huge section of the population
would be active in the Welsh economy for the first time.
collaboration with the Education and Lifelong Learning committee
of the Welsh Assembly, National Council - ELWa,
and a host of other organisations Chwarae Teg is helping
to break down the barriers facing women who want to develop
skills and access training and employment opportunities.
such as inadequate childcare provision, timetables that
are not family friendly, transport and cost explain why
many women cannot attend a number of training courses. Chwarae
Teg campaigns on behalf of those excluded from education
and raises the profile of these issues with the people that
make a difference.
By feeding into the decision making process
Chwarae Teg can campaign for equality at the early stages
of the planning process
and challenge the stereotypes that form in the minds of children
from an early age.
Through commissioning research and building
partnerships with important industry bodies Chwarae Teg is
raising the profile
of the inequalities that exist within the education and training
and ensuring that opinion formers and decision makers are
fully aware of the facts and are prepared to change and promote
in education for everyone.
Our current main project is Ready SET Go - for more information click here
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