Chwarae Teg - International Women’s Day Debates
Facilitator Notes
Example Debate:
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Here we are assuming the debate lasts for 1 and ½ hours starting at 10am.
With the participants seated and ready to start call the group to order and start with a brief introduction. For example you could begin by saying:
“Good morning and thank you for taking part in Chwarae Teg’s International Women’s Day Debate. Before we start I shall just go around the table and ask you to introduce yourself to the group, by telling us who you are and where you are from.”
After the introductions the facilitator can start the debate by explaining how it will be run and what the output will be. For example you could say:
“This morning we will be debating 3 topics that have been provided by Chwarae Teg, and the aim will be to find out what everyone’s individual views are on these topics. As this is a debate it is important to stress that there are no wrong or right views as everyone’s views are equally welcome.
I will introduce each topic and as we debate the topic, our scribe will take notes of the key things we are saying. Then towards then end of the time for each topic I will, taking your comments into full consideration prepare a brief statement that summarises our group view on the topic.
I will read this back to you at which point everyone can have input to suggest any changes they believe should be made to the statement.
These statements will then be emailed to Chwarae Teg who are collating all the statements from all the debates taking place across Wales to help them develop their policies and guide the work they do to support the economic advancement of women across the country.”
At this point ask if anyone has any questions. If not then you are ready to star the debate by introducing the first topic.
For example, you could say:
“Our first topic this morning concerns women’s influence in the economy. Are women Big Spenders but Low Earners? Broadly speaking this covers three areas, women as income earners, women income providers and women as consumers. On the basis of this topic how do you think women are progressing in terms of their role within the economy? At the very top we’ve never had a woman Chancellor of the Exchequer!”
During the debate if needed to keep conversation flowing, be ready to add further questions, for example:
"Do you think women have equal say in purchasing decisions for their households?"
"From your experience do you think women care more about where they spend their money? Do you think women are more likely to spend within their local community?"
"The internet is a great source of good deals and can often save you money, thinking of yourself and your friends do you think women are more or less likely to use the internet to research and make their purchases?"
"What do you think the most significant issues are for women in the economy?"
"Does anyone know that they are earning less than a male counterpart?"
"What action do you think should be taken to close the gender pay gap?"
"Do you think there are any women specific barriers that prevent women becoming income providers?"
"How should women be encouraged to set-up businesses?"
"Do women need extra support? Who should provide that support?"
"Who makes the spending decisions in your household?"
"Are you happy with the way advertising targets women as consumers?"
During the debate the scribe should be taking key notes to record what is being said by the group.
As facilitator you should also take brief notes to use in preparation of your agreed statement...
Start to wind-up the debate on this topic and explain that you now have 5 minutes to prepare the agreed statement.
This is an example of an agreed statement for this topic it gives you an idea as to the length of the statement. However it is not and prescriptive your statement should be fully reflective of the views expressed in your debate.
Example Agreed Statement:
As a group we would like to see further information provided to encourage women to set-up their own businesses, we would also want to see further action taken by the private sector to help close the pay gap, and we would like advertisers to rely less on female stereotypes.
Move onto the second topic... For example you could say:
“Our next topic looks at women’s role as carers. A good starting point is to think about caring responsibilities, which considering we have an increasingly aging society is particularly important to discuss. How do you feel caring responsibilities are currently being met by the community?”
During the debate if needed to keep conversation flowing, be ready to add further questions, for example:
"Does anyone have direct experience of caring for a relative?"
"Who should be responsible for caring for people?"
"What level of support do you think the welfare state should provide?"
"Do caring responsibilities have an impact on a women’s career progression?"
"What steps need to be taken to make the provision of caring more effective and less impactful? What should women do? Their families? Employers? Local Authorities? And Government?"
Start to wind-up the debate on this topic and explain that you now have 5 minutes to prepare the agreed statement.
Once prepared and agreed you can move onto the third topic.
Move onto the third topic... For example you could say:
“Our final topic looks at women’s role in environmental sustainability. We are going to discuss ways in which you think women should bring influence on the green agenda. Increasingly everyone is becoming more concerned about the environment and we are all being encouraged to be more environmentally aware, what do you think this should mean for women?”
During the debate if needed to keep conversation flowing, be ready to add further questions, for example:
"Do you think women are more concerned about the environment?"
"In your household would you consider yourself to be the green champion?"
"Can you think of any ways women could influence the green agenda?"
"Can you think of any ways women could influence the green agenda?"
"What does being green mean to you?"
"What are your biggest concerns for the environment"?
Start to wind-up the debate on this topic and explain that you now have 5 minutes to prepare the agreed statement.
Once prepared and agreed you can close the debate.
To close the debate you may want to say for example:
“We now have our four agreed statements, these will be forwarded to Chwarae Teg for inclusion on their website and for their team collate with the statements from the other debates that have taken place around Wales. Added together this means we have played a part in helping to set the policy agenda for the advancement women in Wales.
Which to my mind would seem to be an excellent way for us to have acknowledged International Women’s Day, so thank you all for attending and taking part in the debate, I’ve learnt a lot today and I hope you have too; Thank you.”
Finally, ensure the three agreed statements have been recorded and then forward them to [email protected]
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