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Fair Play Employer

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum

Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum has achieved the Silver FairPlay Employer level for gender equality.
Cerys Furlong
Chief Executive

PCF’s expert team brings the community together to deliver innovative solutions to coastal challenges. We are dedicated to ensuring Pembrokeshire remains the unique place we all love, for future generations to enjoy.

Pioneering work has included creation of a Marine Code and Outdoor Charter for Pembrokeshire and an online Wales Activity Mapping tool used to inform sustainable development nationally together with the inception of Marine Energy Pembrokeshire in 2010 and Marine Energy Wales in 2016; bodies which work to establish sustainable marine energy generation.

Committed to delivering bespoke support for coastal collaboration as required; from community based activity to international project delivery. If you have a project that involves coastal management at any level; from community workshops through to national strategic planning and facilitation, PCF can help.

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