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Key Themes
Key Themes
Chwarae Teg works within the following themes.
Education, Learning and Skills
Education and skills development offers a great opportunity for change in Wales. By giving women the opportunity to learn new skills, take on different roles and move up the career ladder a huge section of the population would be active in the Welsh economy for the first time.
Employment Practice
As Wales’ leading organisation for promoting the economic development of women, initiating change in employment policies has always been a key driver in our business plan.
Chwarae Teg is committed to encouraging women to consider starting their own business.
Public Policy, Research and Information
The public policy structure in Wales has changed beyond recognition over the past 10 years. The Welsh Assembly Government has an absolute duty to promote equal opportunities but challenges still persist. The representation of Welsh women in Westminster and public appointments generally is still sadly lacking. Chwarae Teg continues to contribute to and influence policy development across the Welsh Assembly Government's portfolio.
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