Public Policy, Research and Information

The public policy structure in Wales has changed beyond recognition over the past 10 years. The Welsh Assembly Government has an absolute duty to promote equal opportunities but challenges still persist. The representation of Welsh women in Westminster and public appointments generally is still sadly lacking. Chwarae Teg continues to contribute to and influence policy development across the Welsh Assembly Government's portfolio.

Chwarae Teg's groundbreaking research, "Women's Role in the Welsh Economy" 2002, was the first comparative research of its kind.

Another crucial piece of research undertaken by Chwarae Teg is on the economic impact of care "Making the Case for Care" 2003. This work was commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government. Our research highlighted the number of women who cannot work due to caring responsibilities for children, the elderly or dependant adults. We will continue to press for action from employers, the Welsh Assembly Government and Westminster on this issue.

More information on Chwarae Teg Research

Chwarae Teg continues to play a key role in advising on a range of current European Structural Fund Programmes and was elected as a member of the Welsh European Funding Office's Operational Workstream Group preparing for the 2007-2013 European Funding Programmes in Wales.

Under this theme, Chwarae Teg created the CYTGORD partnership with Bangor University, the Equal Opportunities Commission and Wales TUC. The aim of the project, funded under the EQUAL programme, was to research the Gender Pay Gap in Wales. An event was held in Cardiff in 2005, which launched the beginning of the transnational activities with European partners from Finland, Spain and Austria.

More information on the CYTGORD partnership

Last Updated: 04/07/2007 16:02:12 By Sian Baird Murray

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