Manifesto for a Gender Equal Wales

In our Manifesto we set out our vision for how the next Welsh Government can deliver a gender equal Wales where all women, of all backgrounds, can fulfil their potential and achieve equal outcomes.

Let’s use it to shape discussions and change the future of Wales.

Women still face inequality in all areas of their lives.

Women are paid less on average – Wales still has a gender pay gap of 12% - and women are four times as likely as men, to be out of work as they are looking after the family and home.

We have fewer women in decision-making positions, both in politics and in the workplace, and women remain at significantly greater risk of living in poverty and experiencing violence, abuse and harassment than men.

Two-thirds of girls in the UK have experienced unwanted sexual attention in public places, and one in eight had their first such experience when they werejust 12 years old or younger.

Inequality is not inevitable, it is a result of unfair and archaic systems and structures that do not take into account difference or disadvantage on the basis of gender or other protected characteristics.

Throughout the pandemic, we have seen the true cost of this inequality, with women, particularly women of colour, disabled women, and women on low incomes, bearing the brunt of the crisis.

Now is the time for radical change. An opportunity to rebuild to a fairer, caring and equal society.

Chwarae Teg have a vision for a gender equal Wales. A Wales where we work together to dismantle structural barriers, and where we all benefit from the economic value of gender equality, which could be as much as £14 billion.

Our mini manifesto is a handy, visual guide to our campaign priorities. Click to download:

Manifesto for a Gender Equal Wales

Help us make this a vision for the next Welsh Government

After 20 years of devolution Wales has an established parliament with powers over crucial aspects of women’s lives; health, social care, economic development, education, childcare, skills, equality and more.

If we want to see change in Wales, we need to act together to ensure gender equality issues are shouted about, discussed and debated in run up to the Senedd elections 2021.

With your support we can realise our collective vision of a fair, gender equal Wales.

Email your local candidates

Writing directly to your candidates as a constituent is a powerful and effective lobbying tool ahead of the Senedd (Welsh Parliament) election on 6 May 2021.

Suggested copy for your letter

Ask the questions that count

The run up to the elections might look very different but there may still be an opportunity for you to ask your local candidates the important questions to see where they stand on a gender equal Wales.

Here are some key issues to raise and questions to ask your local candidates. Click to download:

key issues and questions

Join us for our Ask the Candidates: Creating a gender equal Wales event.

Take to social media to show your support

We want Wales to be a nation where all women can thrive, regardless of their background. A nation where inequality, discrimination and oppression are eradicated. This bold vision and ambition must translate into action from the next Welsh Government so that Wales can reap the benefits of gender equality.

We need to demand for deeds not words

Suggested copy:

I support @chwaraeteg’s manifesto for a #GenderEqualWales, which sets out clear recommendations to achieve this. The next Welsh Government must take action to remove the causes of gender inequality: