Please follow the links below to view current and past press releases.
2007 Press Releases
30/03/07 Using bricks and books to build a new career
29/03/07 Sir Digby Jones synopsis
29/03/07 Welsh business leaders back flexible working for all
22/03/07 Welsh women break down barriers
21/03/07 A flexible workforce at the heart of a diverse and skilled economy
14/03/07 Working from home
05/03/07 Response from Marcella Maxwell, Chief Executive Chwarae Teg to the publication of the Equalities Review
27/02/07 Response to publication of report into women and discrimination
06/02/07 Female Conservationists
22/01/07 Welsh Conference leads Work Place Revolution
22/01/07 Chwarae Teg makes key appointment to drive Welsh women in economy
03/01/07 Wales Prowess Awards
2006 Press Releases
19/12/06 Reinvent your job and reclaim your life in 2007
13/12/06 Chwarae Teg is keen that more businesses embrace the opportunities for workplace flexibility
04/12/06 Pan Wales agency supporting women to go it alone
01/12/06 Striking a better balance for a healthier business
Last Updated: 02/04/2007 12:11:41 By Sian Baird Murray