What We Do


AN BannerAlways ambitious and wide-reaching, our project work has shaped the culture of women's economic development in Wales. More...

Policy & Research

Policy Banner

Our expert advice assists decision making and inspires smarter working practices across a range of policy areas. More...


Policy Banner

Our Marketplace showcases businesses run by women in Wales.More...


Policy Banner

Chwarae Teg facilitates and actively participates in 5 Networks across Wales. The Networks help to keep us and our members up to date on the latest issues affecting women today. More...


Play a part in helping women prosper and achieve
  • Help us influence government, industry and academia
  • Help us keep gender on the agenda
  • Have your views taken into account

Become a friend of Chwarae Teg

Did you Know?

"On average, men outnumber women in the cabinets of EU governments by around three to one (24% women, 76% men)"

- European Commission 2007