A project to encourage female leaders of the future in Wales will focus on careers in the transport industry via a virtual event next week.
‘LeadHerShip Live: Women leading in Transport’ is bringing together three inspiring women from across the transport sector for a webinar on 19 May from 5.00pm-6.30pm.
Run by Chwarae Teg, LeadHerShip is aimed at women to help ensure they become better represented in decision-making roles, and provides them with a platform to get their voices heard.
The female role models on the panel will be:
- Loraine Martins OBE, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Network Rail
- Christine Boston, Director, Sustrans Cymru
- Jo Foxall, Managing Director, Traveline Cymru
The webinar will give an insight into their day jobs, career journeys, discuss leadership and gender equality in the Welsh transport sector and provide and chance for the audience to ask questions.