What do we do?

Many Welsh women face obstacles or barriers to achieving the same opportunity as their male counterparts. These barriers include stereotyping, discrimination, the pay gap and a lack of affordable care for children and the elderly.

Chwarae Teg designs and manages projects that help women overcome these obstacles or barriers and so play a bigger role in the Welsh economy e.g.

• Work Life Balance initiative
• Ready SET Go Project

Chwarae Teg commissions research to:

• identify obstacles and barriers
• recommend ways to address obstacles and barriers
• influence policy makers.

Chwarae Teg raises awareness of equality issues amongst policy makers, young people, opinion formers and educators to make sure that everybody knows about the ongoing issues and emerging themes.

A full description of current projects is available by visiting the Key Themes section.

Last Updated: 07/03/2007 10:49:23 By Sian Baird Murray

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