Chwarae Teg Board announcement: Liz Wilson to become Interim Chief Executive
Following the previous Chwarae Teg announcement of the impending departure of our Chief Executive, Cerys Furlong, we’re delighted to announce that Liz Wilson has been appointed to be the Interim Chief Executive. Liz is currently Director of Finance and Operations and brings a wealth of experience from both the commercial and third sectors.
We are blessed at Chwarae Teg with a dedicated, talented team, so it’s really exciting to be able to appoint such a great Interim Chief Executive from within that team. The Board are confident that this will give Chwarae Teg stability and continuity through the approaching transition period.
Chwarae Teg will shortly advertise for a new Chief Executive to lead the charity though its next phase in which we will further our charitable objectives and activities by growing Fair Play Trading and strengthening our grants and fundraising reach and impact. The Trustees have engaged Goodson Thomas to support this search process.
We’re really proud of what Chwarae Teg continues to do to create a fairer Wales where all women achieve and prosper. And we know that together we can, and will, overcome current challenges and pursue our vision, a Wales where all women achieve and prosper, with even greater vigour.