News and Views

National conference set to lead the workplace revolution

Sir Digby Jones said: “We are already starting to see major changes in the way people work. Given another 10 years, workplaces will have changed considerably with upwards of 65 per cent of workers making the use of flexible working." Full story

Half of the working population want to work more flexibly, according to a report published by the Equal Opportunities Commission. The concordat, launched in London today, supports not-for-profit body Work Wise UK's campaign for smarter working practices to be used to bring about a "workplace revolution". Full story

Reinvent your job and reclaim your life in 2007
Hayley Dunne

Striking a better balance for a healthier business
Marcella Maxwell

The first day of October brought about a host of new ‘work-life balance’ regulations that might, on first inspection, look as if they offer benefits to the employee, rather than the employer. Full story

Insider Magazine - Staff matters Q & A

Conference Speaker Profiles

Sir Digby Jones - Former Director-General, CBI

Ann Beynon - BT Director Wales

Owen Evans – Head of Policy and Communications, BT Wales

Carolyn Woolley - Human Resources Services Director, City of London Police

Peter Knowles JP, Chartered MCIPD Business Development Director

Sarah Dickins - BBC Wales

Suzan Lewis - Professor of Organisational Psychology

Marcella Maxwell - Chief Executive, Chwarae Teg

Philip Lenz - Chief Human Resources Officer, Cardiff Council

Conference Sponsors

Last Updated: 02/04/2007 14:49:59 By Sian Baird Murray

Hosted By eInfinity