Women in the Economy
A fairer Wales where all women achieve and prosper across all sectors and at all levels in the economy
Women at Risk
A fairer Wales where all women are empowered to achieve their potential, regardless of their background, social status or geographic location
Women Represented
A fairer Wales where all women are visible and influential across all sectors of the economy, society and in public life
This was our impact in 2021/2022
Working with women and girls to broaden horizons, build confidence and skills.
Women who have been supported by our Career Development Programme from across Wales have collectively increased their salaries by
In addition:
Women’s achievements celebrated
44 Womenspire Award finalists. 1 inspiring event. 10 Womenspire Award winners
Over 6K people joined us on facebook and twitter for the Womenspire 2021 Awards with the live stream reaching almost 30K people. We celebrated the achievements of 44 incredible finalists…
Working with employers to create inclusive workplaces where everyone’s contribution counts
We put equality, diversity and inclusive working practices at the heart of the consultancy and training services we offer. It’s not an add-on, or negotiable, everything we do has that focus. From improving people, process and changing mind-sets, we are committed to building organisations where everyone matters, a place where all employees are proud to belong.
151 people from businesses across Wales accessed events focused on agile working, racism at work and how to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace.
29 businesses supported through the Agile Nation 2 Business Programme
26 of these adopted or improved their equality and diversity strategy
11 have achieved our Fair Play Employer award, which showcases businesses which exhibit best practice and commitment towards creating equitable and flexible workplaces
Working with influencers, educators and decision makers.
We work with influencers, educators and decision makers to change attitudes and behaviours to create a society that values, supports and benefits women and men equally.
Our policy and research output places us at the forefront of thinking on gender equality in Wales and enables us to offer high quality policy advice and analysis, leading the campaign for change that moves us towards our vision of a gender equal Wales.
Our consultations
Our representatives sit on a number of panels to provide advice and guidance
Communicating the impact we make
Regular contributors to TV, Radio and print media providing expert gender equality issues of the day and raising awareness of our campaigns and delivery work whilst highlighting the challenges women face.
Working in collaboration and partnership for a better Wales: