South East Wales Training and Education Network

The next meeting of the South East Wales Training and Education Network is taking place on on Tuesday, 8th July 2008 (9:45am to 12:15pm) at UWIC, Cyncoed Campus, Cardiff. The key speakers at this meeting will be Sharon Mott, University of Glamorgan who will be presenting ‘Accreditation for Work Based Learning – a HE perspective’; and Mark Isherwood, Lifelong Learning UK (Sector Skills Council responsible for the professional development of staff working in the UK lifelong learning sector) presenting ‘An Overview of Lifelong Learning UK’. An information exchange and networking opportunity will follow the presentations

Contact Details :

If you wish to join the network or for further information please contact Emma Richards on 029 2047 8917 [email protected] or Teresa Rees on 01269 845155 [email protected]

**** Diary Marker - Future Meeting ****

The next meeting of the South East Wales Training and Education Network will take place on Tuesday 8th July 2008, venue and speaker to be confirmed.

Minutes of Previous Meetings

Minutes of meeting - 29th April 2008 [pdf]
Presentation from meeting - 29th April 2008 [pdf]

Minutes of meeting - 19th February 2008 [pdf]
Presentation from meeting - 19th February 2008 [pdf]

Minutes of meeting - 2nd October 2007 [pdf]
Presentation from meeting - 2nd October 2007 [pdf]

Minutes of meeting - 19th July 2007 [pdf]
Presentation from meeting - 19th July 2007 [pdf]


What is SEWTEN?

The South East Wales Training and Education Network will meet quarterly to bring together representatives from the public, private and voluntary sector to discuss post 14 training and education issues, exchange information, share good practice and discuss new developments and opportunities – particularly in relation to women in training, education and employment.

Each meeting will comprise a topical and relevant presentation from a speaker which will be informative to the group and may also contribute to continuing professional development. A round table information exchange will then follow with each member having an opportunity to present updates on their organisations, share ideas, promote their services and develop new opportunities.

Topics for future discussion could include : Gender equality, women’s economic development, SET/STEM skills, enterprise, equality & diversity, work-life balance, widening access & participation, engaging hard to reach learners, women and lone parents, Europe, funding opportunities, policy and statutory instruments.

Who should attend?

Representatives from:
Public Sector Statutory Bodies
Local Education Authorities
FE/HE Institutions
Employment Services
Community Education
Sector Skills Councils
Careers Service
Private Sector Training Providers
Voluntary Sector Bodies
14-19 Learning Pathways
Work-based learning
Secondary Schools
Union Learning Representatives
or anyone with and interest in post-14 training and education issues.

Last Updated: 01/07/2008 10:17:30 By Sian Baird Murray

Hosted By eInfinity