Better Balance Better Business 2007 Conference Report

Chwarae Teg’s groundbreaking conference brought together over 100 delegates representing the private, public and voluntary sectors, to listen and debate on key work life balance and flexible working issues and their impacts for workforces now and in the future.

The conference which was held in March attracted speakers of the highest calibre including Lord Digby Jones of Birmingham, UK Skills Envoy; Ann Beynon, BT Director Wales; and Carolyn Woolley, Human Resources Services Director, City of London Police.

Informative and interactive workshops gave delegates the opportunity to address and explore a range of issues relating to the debate.

The consensus from the event was:
• There has been a real shift among Welsh business leaders towards recognising and choosing flexible working and work life balance as the key to developing an agile and diverse workforce fit for the 21st Century
• Legislation only provides a framework for flexible working, and working differently is no longer a choice but the only way forward if Wales is to survive in a competitive European and worldwide market
• One size does not fit all and that a balanced approach is required which takes account of the needs of business, the customer and the individual

Chwarae Teg’s expertise on WLB in Wales, both at a practitioner and policy level, is a culmination of over 5 years work across all sectors and business in Wales. Work is still very much in progress and Chwarae Teg’s priority remains to establish Wales as a modern economy based on flexible working practices. Outcomes from the event will help to prioritise and focus the direction of travel for our future work in this key area.

For the full report please click here.

For further information and advice about Work-Life Balance contact:

Hayley Dunne
Chwarae Teg
Anchor Court
Keen Road
CF24 5JW

Tel: 029 2047 8912
e-mail: [email protected]

Last Updated: 14/08/2007 13:04:22 By Richard Perry

Hosted By eInfinity