Employment Practice

As Wales’ leading organisation for promoting the economic development of women, initiating change in employment policies has always been a key driver in our business plan.

We have tackled some key issues –

  • Introducing flexible working practices – particularly in the public sector.
  • Increasing provision of affordable, accessible, quality childcare by raising awareness of needs and offering resources and funding.
  • Increasing numbers of women appointed to decision-making roles.
  • Developing equal opportunities policies with SMEs across all sectors, highlighting benefits and encouraging best practice.
  • Challenging stereotypical perceptions of career choices and recruitment and selection.
  • Encouraging and supporting women to start up their own businesses through the Women’s Enterprise Wales and Lone Parents Venture projects.

All these have resulted in some positive change but there are still many issues remaining which need to addressed.

Chwarae Teg continues to influence change through:

1. Working in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government to take forward the Work-Life Balance Initiative in Wales.

2. Raising awareness of key issues including new legislation - UK and Europe.

3. The Ready SET Go project which continues to challenge stereotypical perceptions of career choices.

4. Disseminating the legacy from two Enterprise projects which were part of the Entrepreneurship action Plan.

5. Conducting research.

Work-Life Balance Initiative in Wales

Chwarae Teg is working in partnership with the Welsh Assembly Government to take forward the Work-Life Balance Initiative in Wales.

More information on Work-Life Balance

Useful links

Worklife Balance Website


Wales TUC



Care Research

Last Updated: 04/07/2007 15:59:30 By Sian Baird Murray

Hosted By eInfinity