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Membership - Get involved

If you’re interested in promoting the economic development of women in Wales become a member of Chwarae Teg.

Benefits of Chwarae Teg membership include.

  • A link to the economic development agency for women in Wales.
  • A voice in the policymaking process in economic development and equal opportunities.
  • Invitations to Chwarae Teg events, seminars and conferences.
  • Discounted rates to Chwarae Teg National Annual Conference.
  • Free copy of all Chwarae Teg research publications, leaflets, Balance newsletter.
  • Networking opportunities with key opinion formers in Wales, links to other economic development and equal opportunities bodies in Wales.
  • Free public relations and marketing to promote key success stories or case studies within your organisation.
  • Free membership of the All Wales Enterprise Action Group.

We can offer tailored membership packages to suit individuals and organisations. Costs are subject to negotiation within these guidelines.

Founder Members and Supporters

Chwarae Teg wish to thank the Welsh Development Agency, the Equal Opportunities Commission, Wales TUC, NHS Equality Unit, Local Authorities in Wales, Job Centre Plus, the WLGA and the National Assembly for Wales. These organisations are founding members of Chwarae Teg and continue to make a valuable contribution to the economic development of women in Wales.

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Membership costs
Purple membership

Open to individuals, charities, voluntary organisations, small businesses (£0 - £300K turnover), trade bodies and libraries

£50.00 +VAT
Green membership

Open to medium-sized businesses (£300k to £1,500k turnover), universities and public bodies

£100.00 +VAT
White membership

Open to corporate bodies (over £1,500 turnover)

£250 +VAT
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