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If women are to be able to work on an equal footing with their male colleagues then it is essential that employment policies and practises are designed to make balancing work and family responsibilities as easy as possible.

As Wales’ leading organisation for promoting the economic development of women, initiating change in employment policies has always been a key driver in our business plan.

During that time we have tackled some key issues -

  • Introducing flexible working practices - particularly in the public sector.
  • Increasing provision of affordable, accessible, quality childcare by raising awareness of needs and offering resources and funding.
  • Increasing numbers of women appointed to decision-making roles.
  • Developing equal opportunities policies with SMEs across all sectors, highlighting benefits and encouraging best practice.
  • Challenging stereotypical perceptions of career choices and recruitment and selection.
  • Encouraging and supporting women to start up their own businesses through the Women’s Enterprise Wales and Lone Parents Venture projects.

All these have resulted in some positive change but there is still many issues remaining which need to addressed.

Chwarae Teg continues to influence change through:

1. Working with the Welsh Assembly Government on a Work-Life Balance initiative as well as a pilot project with large public sector organisations and The Challenge Fund for SMEs.

2. Progressing the Partnership at Work initiative, to promote business improvement through employee involvement.

3. Raising awareness of key issues including new legislation - UK and Europe.

4. Progressing recommendations made by us in the Care Scoping Study prepared for the Assembly.

5. Continuing work on two Enterprise projects which are part of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan.

Useful Links

Worklife Balance Website
Wales TUC

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Business Benefits of Childcare Provision

New Resource launched to promote the Business Benefits of Childcare Provision.

Date: 01/11/2003

Click here for more details

Chwarae Teg is proud to have been acknowledged by two major awards

The Western Mail Val Feld Award - for outstanding contribution for promoting the role of women in Welsh life. The Prowess Flagship Award - Chwarae Teg is the first Welsh Business Support provider to achieve the coveted Prowess Flagship Award in recognition of our enterprise development work and practices with women.

Date: 29/03/2005

Click here for more details

What's new

Business Start-up Support Look at our Events Calendar to find out about our training courses and events. Phone for free on 0800 052 2255 to talk to you local team.

What's new

CYTGORD Project - As an organisation we aim to identify, quantify and help address the pay gap issue in Wales and to share models of good practice throughout Wales, the UK and Europe. For further information contact 01248 670111

Click here for more details

What's new

The Wales Gender Budget group are launching a new publication designed to remove the stigma surrounding gender budgeting.

Click here for more details

To learn more about Work Life Balance and how it could benefit your business please click here.

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