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Chwarae Teg’s work with the European Structural Funds

Chwarae Teg is actively involved with the development of European Union Structural Funds and Community Initiatives in Wales by ensuring that equality remains top of the agenda.

Working in partnership with other leading equality agencies and European Programme officers in Wales we hold regular meetings of the European Equality Partnership, which lobbies for good equality practice in the Structural Funds.

The major functions of this partnership are:

  • To influence the development of the equality content of Programme documents
  • To sit as advisors on Programme Monitoring Committees / Management Boards
  • To initiate gender balance on the European Funds Committees

Our work has been recognised as exemplary by the European Commission and the INTERREG document is now being circulated to the accession countries. To view the Programme documents, plus those for INTERREG and EQUAL please go to the WEFO website.

Chwarae Teg’s other work in this field has included

  • Training the Welsh European Funding Office assessors, local authority European and equality officers, and voluntary sector European advisers.
  • Writing two sets of equality guidelines, which explain how projects should tackle equality mainstreaming in relation to the Structural Funds and illustrating how assessors and applicants should consider the equality input in applications. Click here for a copy of the guidelines
  • Working closely with the NDP Gender Unit of the Dept of Justice, Ireland both to support training and to encourage good practice.
  • Managing an e network for European Structural Funds equality experts and practioners across the UK and Ireland, funded by ESF and the NDP Gender Unit. Contact Chwarae Teg if you would like to join the network.
  • Helping to set up the Welsh gender budgeting group - contact the EOC for more details.
  • Presenting papers on equality mainstreaming at conferences as members of the Informal Women’s Network of the Council of Europe.


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Business Benefits of Childcare Provision

New Resource launched to promote the Business Benefits of Childcare Provision.

Date: 01/11/2003

Click here for more details

Chwarae Teg is proud to have been acknowledged by two major awards

The Western Mail Val Feld Award - for outstanding contribution for promoting the role of women in Welsh life. The Prowess Flagship Award - Chwarae Teg is the first Welsh Business Support provider to achieve the coveted Prowess Flagship Award in recognition of our enterprise development work and practices with women.

Date: 29/03/2005

Click here for more details

What's new

Business Start-up Support Look at our Events Calendar to find out about our training courses and events. Phone for free on 0800 052 2255 to talk to you local team.

What's new

CYTGORD Project - As an organisation we aim to identify, quantify and help address the pay gap issue in Wales and to share models of good practice throughout Wales, the UK and Europe. For further information contact 01248 670111

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What's new

The Wales Gender Budget group are launching a new publication designed to remove the stigma surrounding gender budgeting.

Click here for more details

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