Toolkit for ‘Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace’ is launched

22nd February 2022
A four nations approach to eradicating sexual harassment in the workplace will see Chwarae Teg publish flagship guidance and advice to Welsh employers today (22.2.22).

The ‘Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace’ toolkit has launched as a resource for organisations and businesses across Wales is available here.

It has been created by the gender equality charity in partnership with its counterparts in England - Fawcett Society, Scotland - Close the Gap and Northern Ireland - Women’s Resource Development.

The toolkit includes case studies, training sessions for employers to deliver internally, template policies, campaign material as well as a climate/culture survey template and a report.

Sexual harassment in the workplace is not just the unacceptable behaviour of a few individuals, it’s about workplace cultures where ‘everyday behaviour that violates the dignity of, predominantly, women’ is treated as merely banter. Harassment is still widespread, with 40% of women reporting that they have experienced workplace harassment. Often, it is women who are marginalised for other reasons, be it race, disability or sexuality, who face the greatest risk.

The toolkit aims to tackle the problem and its launch will be followed by a special HIVE webinar next week, where experts from Chwarae Teg will guide employers through the toolkit and how it can be implemented effectively.

Guest speaker at the webinar will be Sarah-Jayne Bray of South Wales Police, who will share the organisation’s experience of running a successful Anti Sexual Harassment campaign and how this has developed into a national programme of work to tackle sexual misconduct in policing.

To register for the free ‘HIVE: ‘Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace’ webinar, which will take place from 10:00am–12:00pm on Monday 28 February go to:

Sexual harassment in the workplace is totally unacceptable but sadly not uncommon. Its impact can be devastating – emotionally, physically and professionally.

“It simply has to stop, which is why this toolkit is vital and the webinar will provide practical advice and support, helping employers to adopt and embed it within their own organisations.

Emma Tamplin
Collaboration Manager, Chwarae Teg

Having developed the Anti Sexual Harassment campaign at work I know first-hand how beneficial it can be for everyone involved. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace. Together with Chwarae Teg we are urging other organisations and businesses across Wales to take up the opportunity, which will make a positive difference to the work lives of so many.

Sarah-Jayne Bray
Internal Engagement Manager, South Wales Police
28th February 2022
Hive: Tackling Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – toolkit launch (online event)