A survey has been launched for 11-25 year olds in North Wales looking at their experiences, the support available to them and the services they may wish to access.
Chwarae Teg – Wales’s leading gender equality charity, is conducting the research on behalf of Plan International UK.
The anonymous survey is the second stage of the project which sees the organisations working together to inform the Champions for Wales programme - a girls’ rights movement, which supports young people to campaign on the issues affecting them and make positive change in their communities. It aims to ensure Wales is a place where girls are heard and feel empowered.
The survey will seek to find out about the everyday challenges and problems faced by girls and young women in North Wales, from stereotyping and discrimination to online bullying, body image and more.
It’s hoped that findings will enable gaps, not currently being filled by service providers, to be covered.
Available in English and Welsh online and as a hard copy, the survey is being promoted through a number of channels and networks including youth services, education authorities and universities.
Chwarae Teg has already completed a mapping exercise to understand which organisations are already providing formal, informal and voluntary services and support to young women. The current survey will then be followed by focus groups, before Chwarae Teg presents its full report findings and recommendations in the Spring.
This survey is now closed.