Including trans-women in our services and language

Chwarae Teg aims to be inclusive in all the work we do.

Women face discrimination and disadvantage in every aspect of their lives. Our work is focused on alleviating that inequality and tackling the discrimination and oppression experienced by all women.

This includes trans-women, who face discrimination and inequality on multiple fronts. We believe that trans-women should be able to live their lives free from discrimination, violence and oppression and experience fair, equitable outcomes.

We are clear that we stand with trans women, and we are clear that trans-women should be treated equally. Women’s equality and trans equality do not contradict or compete with each other. We believe that diversity within the feminist movement is a strength that should be celebrated. Trans women are women, and our organisation and all of our work is fully inclusive of trans women.

Using Inclusive Language

By gender we mean both identity and the way in which gender shapes society and day-to-day life. While it encompasses sex, it also includes gender identity, which can be expressed in a variety of ways.

Gender also shapes society, the economy and power relationships, as inequality is reproduced as a result of the different value placed on attributes, behaviour and roles of men, women and non-binary people.

By gender equality we mean that regardless of sex, gender identity or gender expression people enjoy the same social, economic, and political rights, resources, opportunities and protections.

By talking about gender equality, we are able to talk about the breadth of challenges that create inequality as this encompasses sex-based equality as well as equality based on gender identity, and enables us to talk about how gender can shape the world we live in.

Chwarae Teg are committed to being inclusive in our work and ensuring that all women, including trans-women, are able to achieve and prosper. We support changes to the law to ensure that trans people are not disadvantaged and we believe this intersectional approach is critical if we are to successfully tackle the structural causes of gender inequality.