Action 1: Understand privilege and use your position to support those with fewer rights.
It’s okay to have privilege. However, it is important to understand it, and understand that people who don’t have the same privilege as you face barriers and discrimination in society, simply because of their gender, the colour of their skin, or their sexual orientation. In the workplace Women have financial disadvantages due to their gender, for example.
Privilege is when you think something is not a problem because you are not personally affected by it. A right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others. It means that under the exact same set of circumstances you’re in, life would be harder without your privilege.
The more privileges you have, the more likely you are to be listened to and taken seriously, so you should use what you have to fight for the rights of more marginalised, less privileged people. Remember - more rights for others doesn’t mean fewer rights for you!