We want to see a Wales where women, of all backgrounds and experiences, are empowered to achieve and prosper.
Women continue to experience barriers in the economy and their workplaces that men do not. We know that women in Wales continue to earn less than men because of the nature of their employment or because of caring responsibilities which disproportionately fall to them.
Women remain underrepresented in the places where decisions are made. Without diverse voices in the room, many issues risk being ignored and the impact of decisions on marginalised groups overlooked.
Women continue to experience unacceptable levels of violence and harassment, affecting every aspect of their lives including decisions about what to wear, where to go, and how to get there.
Tackling the root causes of gender inequality is everyone’s job. With local government playing a vital role in the day-to-day lives of people in Wales, local authorities have multiple tools to tackle many of the structural inequalities experienced by women.
Placing gender equality at the centre of every decision is simply good policy-making. Although bringing about a gender equal Wales will take time, we are calling for local authorities to focus on the following five areas over the next five years to make a real difference to women’s lives in Wales and move us closer to a gender equal Wales.