Chwarae Teg is asking organisations across Wales to actively #EmbraceEquity and have some fun fundraising this International Women’s Day (8 March).
The charity has developed resources to support organisations interested in fundraising in aid of its vital work in eradicating gender inequality in Wales.
A host of suggestions, from quizzes to teambuilding and sponsorship ideas can be found at
By signing up and joining in, workplaces will be able to plan inspirational get togethers involving staff and customers which will boost wellbeing and engagement by coming together to do good.
Some key facts to remember this International Women’s Day from Chwarae Teg’s State of the Nation report:
- 5% of sexual offences are committed against Women.
- 3% is the current gender pay gap in Wales.
- 50% of women aged 16-34 have experienced at least one type of harassment in the last year.
- 23% of women in Wales feel safe walking alone after dark.