Hive is a Community for Modern Working and brings together employers from across the sectors in Wales to share knowledge, connect and network.
Register for our upcoming webinar: “Society is the Disability” - What this means for your business.
Guest speakers:
Dr Hade Turkmen, Chwarae Teg
Dr Stephen Beyer, Cardiff University and National Centre for Mental Health
Miranda Evans, Disability Wales
Join us for the upcoming Hive webinar, where we’ll be bringing employers across Wales together to discuss our recent ‘Society is the Disability’ report which looks at disabled women’s experiences in the Welsh economy. We’ll be sharing the findings of the report and the opportunities businesses can implement for improvement.
We’ll also be looking at the business benefits of employing a person with a learning disability, how the model used by the ‘Engage to Change’ programme can support both employers and workers with a learning disability together with the outcomes from the project so far in Wales.
Date: Thursday, 18th March 2021
Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Register here