Anti sexual harassment pioneers needed.

3rd August 2021

Recent Fawcett Society research highlighted that 75% of respondents had experienced workplace sexual harassment. The research fed back a number of chilling statistics and voiced unsettling realities for women.

I had to face him every day and I had to see his face, and him smiling at me. I was re-traumatised every day.

Sexual Harassment happens in workplaces across the UK today. It is ruining lives, making workplaces toxic and we need to put a stop to it.

The research identified that a lack of education combined with the following were barriers for some individuals and organisations:

  • Self-blame and embarrassment
  • A Fear of repercussions
  • Fear of not being believed/taken seriously
  • Position of harasser and woman who was harassed
  • Inadequate reporting routes
  • Lack of trust in the process

So, what can be done?

Chwarae Teg will be working with employers such as you to create workplace policies, reporting mechanisms and support processes that can be rolled out across organisations to make workplaces safer for everyone.

Together we can shape the materials and business processes that can call out workplace sexual harassment. Of course, everything you learn can be rolled out in your organisations too.

We are recruiting 20 employers from across Wales to take part in this pioneering project. We need one individual from each organisation to commit to three ½ day sessions during September and October this year.

If you are interested in taking part in the pioneering group, please contact:
Emma Tamplin, Collaboration Manager
[email protected]