“We need to radically change what we do and how we do it to make Wales a world leader for gender equality”
Chwarae Teg have today launched a series of reports setting out the next steps for Welsh Government to achieve Gender Equality. These include a roadmap for policy change and a report on organisational change across Welsh Government.
Gender equality matters; to ensure that women, men and non-binary people can enjoy the same rights, opportunities and outcomes but also to drive economic growth and increase wellbeing in Wales so that in future generations our sex, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, disability, education or socio-economic profile, or the community we come from will not dictate our ability to achieve happiness and fulfilment and make the fullest contribution to our society.
In 2018 the Welsh Government committed to making Wales a world leader for gender equality. To achieve this, a Review of Gender Equality was commissioned to explore what was working well, what could be improved and determine what lessons could be learnt from other governments regarded as world leaders for gender equality. The first phase of the Review concluded in June 2018 and these reports published today conclude the review.
Chwarae Teg have now published the final reports from the second phase of the Review, which explored the issues raised in Phase One in more depth. Together these reports make recommendations for changes to what we do, but also crucially how we do things, outlining actions in key policy areas that have the greatest impact on women’s day-to-day lives as well as setting out the steps necessary to change the way in which policy and programmes are developed.
The reports call on Welsh Government to build on the foundations already in place and begin a long-term programme of change towards genuine equality mainstreaming. The issues that contribute to ongoing inequality cannot be solved overnight or by working in isolation. We require coherent action across different spheres, with Welsh Government playing a vital leadership role.