Opportunity to Quote: Research Project  

7th November 2022

Work with us to explore the link between engaging in learning and improved confidence, resilience and wellbeing…

As part of our Agile Nation 2 project, funded by the European Social Fund and Welsh Government, we have an exciting research opportunity.

We are looking to work with a research company to undertake a project exploring the potential link between learning and improved and sustained confidence, personal motivation, resilience and wellbeing.

Our labour market remains heavily segregated on the basis of gender and women continue to face inequality, evident in gender gaps in pay, representation, hours worked and rates of employment and economic activity. This inequality is the result of numerous, interconnected issues including the ongoing influence of gender stereotypes, imbalances in caring responsibilities and issues of discrimination, particularly towards women of colour and disabled women.

There is no single solution to deliver equality for all women in the labour market, however we do know that access to learning, training, skills development and career development support can have a marked impact on women’s experiences, progression and rates of pay.

The main objective of this research is to further explore whether there is a link between engaging in learning and improved confidence, wellbeing and resilience among women. The research aims to gather further data to understand the extent to which learning can affect these so-called soft outcomes, whether there are any gender differences, whether particular features or delivery models affect them, and whether these outcomes are achieved for women.

The principal research question is:

What impact does engaging in learning have on women’s confidence, resilience and wellbeing?

Secondary questions should include:

Does gender affect any link between learning and improved confidence, resilience and wellbeing? Are there any intersectional differences?

Do particular delivery models affect any link between learning and improved confidence, resilience and wellbeing? Consideration should be given to factors such as inclusion of coaching, individual vs group settings, women-only settings and in-person vs virtual delivery

The budget of this research is up to £20,000 (inclusive of VAT).

Find out more about the project and how to submit a quote in the Invitation to Quote.


Submission of a quote: 07.12.22
Research awarded: 12.12.22
Inception meeting: W/c 12.12.22
Submission of literature review and fieldwork plan: 30.01.23
Fieldwork: February – March 23
Submission of the draft report: 31.03.23
Submission of the final report: 24.04.23