What we use your information for, depends on why you are providing it. We will mainly use your data to:
To provide you with the services, products or information you’ve asked for
We run a variety of services for individuals and businesses. The service you access will depend on the best fit for your circumstances and could be provided as part of a project or on a commercial basis.
Access to this data will always be limited to appropriate individuals with a legitimate interest in providing these services.
We also collect data in order for you to participate in an event or programme, in relation to policy and research, training and development, our Agile Nation 2 project, volunteering, and work with us.
If you enter your details onto one of our online forms, and you don’t ‘send’ or ‘submit’ the form, we may contact you to see if we can help with any problems you may be experiencing with the form or our websites.
To make sure we know how you prefer to be contacted
We record communication preferences so we only contact you in the ways you want to hear from us.
To send you Direct Marketing
We will only ever contact you with direct marketing about our work, activities and campaigns with your explicit consent. We make it easy for you to tell us how you want us to communicate, and what interests you. We also include information on how to opt out when we send you marketing.
We do not sell or share personal details to third parties for the purposes of marketing. But occasionally, we may include information in our communications from partner organisations or organisations who support us.
If you change your mind at any time, and no longer want to hear from us, that’s fine. Just let us know when you provide your data or contact us on 029 20 462745 or [email protected]
To keep a record of your relationship with us
It’s important for us to have clear records on how you’ve supported us, or have been supported by us in the past. This helps us to make sure your experiences of Chwareg Teg are the best they can be.
We may also collect and retain your information if you send feedback about our services, give us a compliment or make a complaint.
To understand how we can improve our services, products or information
We believe it’s important to make sure that all of our services are the best they can be. That’s why we evaluate them.
Once you’ve been on our programmes, we may get in touch to ask you about your experiences. There’s no obligation to take part, but it really helps highlight ways we can make things better in future.
We use profiling and screening techniques to make sure communications are relevant and timely, and to provide an improved experience. Profiling also allows us to target our resources effectively.
When building a profile we may analyse geographic, demographic and other information relating to you in order to better understand your interests and preferences in order to contact you with the most relevant communications.
In doing this, we may use additional information from third party sources when it is available. Such information is compiled using publicly available data about you, for example addresses, listed directorships or typical earnings in a given area.
We do this because it allows us to understand the background of the people who we work with.