Our vision: to eradicate gender inequality in the workplace​.

FairPlay Employer - What we do

We put equality, diversity and inclusive working practices at the heart of the consultancy and training services we offer. It’s not an add-on, or negotiable, everything we do has that focus. From improving people, process and changing mind-sets, we are committed to building organisations where everyone matters, a place where all your employees are proud to belong.​

There are three main areas of support:

FairPlay Employer Award

Reviewing and Recognising your approach to inclusion in your workplace.

FairPlay Employer Solutions

Supporting you with your HR needs as an inclusive workplace.

FairPlay Employer Inclusive Leadership Programme

Developing your leaders, embedding inclusion in your workplace culture​.

Work with us to help create a world where women can achieve and prosper; where everyone is valued for who they are and what they do.

We also run a series of workshops on inclusive leadership.

FairPlay Employer - Privacy Policy - GDPR consent

Our Privacy Policy can be found here

Contact us today to discuss your Diversity, Equality & Inclusion needs: [email protected]