To set out what we hoped to achieve through the Gender Equality Review, a vision statement was agreed by Welsh Government.
Our shared vision is:
A gender equal Wales means an equal sharing of power, resources and influence for all women, men and non-binary people. This is a vision where the government aims to create the conditions for equality of outcome for all.
We want a Wales where:
- Women can have economic independence and paid and unpaid work is valued
- Diverse women are fairly represented in positions of influence and empowered to play a meaningful role in society
- All women are free from discrimination and free to live their lives as they choose
- Men’s violence against women stops
- Existing power structures that disadvantage women are challenged
- Women, men and non-binary people enjoy equal rights and protections and equality of outcome
Work on the Gender Equality Review took place over two Phases, the first was based on exploring the current situation within Welsh Government, evaluating what works well, and identifying key challenges.
The second Phase explores these challenges in more detail and makes more in depth recommendations for Welsh Government across a number of key areas of decision-making.