To set out what we hoped to achieve through the Gender Equality Review, a vision statement was agreed by Welsh Government.

Our shared vision is:

A gender equal Wales means an equal sharing of power, resources and influence for all women, men and non-binary people. This is a vision where the government aims to create the conditions for equality of outcome for all.


We want a Wales where:

  • Women can have economic independence and paid and unpaid work is valued
  • Diverse women are fairly represented in positions of influence and empowered to play a meaningful role in society
  • All women are free from discrimination and free to live their lives as they choose
  • Men’s violence against women stops
  • Existing power structures that disadvantage women are challenged
  • Women, men and non-binary people enjoy equal rights and protections and equality of outcome

Work on the Gender Equality Review took place over two Phases, the first was based on exploring the current situation within Welsh Government, evaluating what works well, and identifying key challenges.

The second Phase explores these challenges in more detail and makes more in depth recommendations for Welsh Government across a number of key areas of decision-making.

Gender Equality Review - Phase One

Phase One of the Gender Equality Review began in April 2018 and sought to understand how things were currently working within Welsh Government; what was working well, what can be improved and the capacity of the existing policy and legislation to advance gender equality in Wales.

Understanding the existing legislation and process was essential, as in order to achieve gender equality, we must not only change what we do, but how we do it.

Through research, stakeholder engagement and discussions with Welsh Government officials, Phase One identified a number of challenges and recommendations for Government.

The Phase One report was launched in July 2018, and focused on three key themes: Vision and Leadership, Policy in Practice, and External Scrutiny and Accountability. It identified key challenges and makes a number recommendations for Phase Two of the review to bring about the necessary systemic change.

You can read the full report and its recommendations here
Rapid Review of Gender Equality 2018 - Phase One

This report explores the existing legislative and regulatory framework in Wales, which offers great potential for embedding gender into our policy and decision-making. However, evidence collected suggests that this framework is having a limited impact due to integration and implementation challenges. This report identifies a number of these challenges and makes a number of recommendations for Phase Two of the review to bring about the necessary systemic change.

Gender Equality Review - Phase Two

Phase Two of the Gender Equality Review began in October 2018, and takes forward a number of the recommendations from Phase One; it explores the identified challenges in more depth and has developed a shared vision for gender equality.

Phase Two consists of two key reports – Deeds not Words, and a Roadmap for Gender Equality in Wales. These both make recommendations to enshrine equality in Welsh Government’s work and to make improvements in areas that women told us would have the most impact on their lives. These are supported by further reports which provide the evidence base for recommendations, as well as technical expertise and guidance.

It is clear that to deliver lasting change, good intentions alone are not enough. To realise bold ambitions for gender equality, we need to radically change what we do and how we do things, and ensure that we are not continuing to develop policies that inadvertently reinforce longstanding inequality.

Phase 2 of the review contains seven key papers, which all contribute expertise, examples of best practice and recommendations.

Click here for a guide to the Gender Equality Phase Two reports

You can read the reports here

Deeds not Words - Review of Gender Equality (Phase Two)

An in depth report with recommendations to change how Welsh Government develops, delivers and evaluates policies and programmes to ensure equality is a core consideration.

Gender Equality - A Roadmap for Wales

The Roadmap: A report based on engagement with women and organisations across Wales, providing solutions for key areas that affect women’s day-to-day lives.

Plus, a detailed paper analysing the impact assessment tools used in Welsh Government and exploring international alternative approaches.

Improving Well-being and Equality Outcomes: Aligning processes, supporting implementation and creating new opportunities

The report of the Well-being and Equality Working Group
Dr Alison Parken

Equality Mainstreaming: Policy Development Model

This report by Dr Alison Parken, with Natasha Davies, Dr Rachel Minto and Polly Trenow sets out an equality mainstreaming model for use in policy development.

The Wales Centre for Public Policy published two additional papers for the Gender Equality Review, these can be found on their website.

Tackling Inequality through Gender Budgeting

A review of international evidence of gender budgeting
practices. In order to successfully mainstream equality in
decision-making processes, we need to consider how resources are allocated and how equalities analysis can inform fiscal policy.

Gender Equality – Learning from Nordic Nations

This report provides a summary of learning from an exchange of knowledge with gender equality experts from Nordic nations.